  • Canadian Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • 最新發刊:20150101
  • 雜誌類型:不定期
  • 加拿大中醫藥雜誌於2015年創立,是一本中醫藥針灸為主題的學術性期刊。宗旨為提高加拿大全體中醫藥針灸學術的交流和研究,推動中醫藥走向世界走向現代化,為全世界與加拿大廣大民眾,提供更高水平的醫療保健服務。 Founded in 2015, the Canadian Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is an academic periodical on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture to provide the place for TCM academic learning, discussion and research, and therefore serving the public with better healthcare, contributing our part to the globalization and modernization of TCM.
最新一期 Canadian Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine [Vol. 1, No. 1]
電子書價 NT$ 260
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