  • National Park Quarterly 2020.03 (spring):Come on, let’s hike!
  • 點閱:478
  • 作者: 內政部營建署編著
  • 出版社:內政部營建署
  • 出版年:2020.03
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
  • 附註:原為雙月刊,自民96年6月起改為季刊

Come on, Let’s Hike!
Big Feet Little Feet Spring Hike Together

“This is the first time I learn that leaves have so many different ‘green’ colors!”
This is not just from children’s exclamation, but also adult’s amazement. It is because nature is so charming and changeable, it has constantly attracted adults and children to visit hand in hand, expanding their horizons and enriching their knowledge. In this issue, three nature-loving families and many event planning experts will lead us on several parent-child learning journeys in the national parks. In addition, we will also take a trip to the nationally renowned “Gaomei Wetland” to see how children “play and do, do and learn”, and find their way with nature in the wetland classroom where they can chase the wind and waves.

National Park Quarterly is an important media for 8 national parks in Taiwan to promote the achievement of wildlife conservation, environmental education and eco-tourism. Throughout the versatile contents in depth, readers around the world are more than welcome to enjoy the beauty of national parks with handpicked photographs and artistic layout.

  • SPECIAL TOPIC Reaching the Milestone in Protecting the Low-altitude Mountain Ecology Establishment of National Nature Park Headquarters(第2頁)
  • COVER STORY Come on, Let’s Hike!(第12頁)
    • Learning in National Parks Three Groups of Parent-Child Nature Study Notes(第14頁)
    • Don’t Rush to Take the Treasures in Nature Holding the Hands of the Little Ones into the National Park(第26頁)
    • Visting Watlands Keeps You Young We are All on the Road of Learning(第38頁)
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