常春藤生活英語雜誌 [第232期] [有聲書]:鬼滅之刃 全集中展
- 作者: 常春藤生活英語雜誌編輯部編輯
- 出版社:常春藤解析英語有限公司
- 出版年:2022.09
- 格式:PDF,JPG
【編者的話】 September 2022
It’s September, and it’s the perfect time to have a barbeque with family and friends. Check out “Mid-Autumn Festival” for ideas on what you can grill up. While looking up at the big, bright moon, you may think of the other big, bright ball in the sky: the sun. “Cashing in on the Sun” tells about how a school used the sun’s rays to cut energy costs. You may wonder how you can also help the environment. Well, “Flight Shame and Train Bragging” may give you an idea or two the next time you go abroad. If you do end up traveling this month, consider checking out “Neuschwanstein Castle: A Fairytale Castle,” in Bavaria, Germany. But if you decide to stay home, we’ve got “Happy Hobbit Day!” for you; it’s the perfect day to invite friends over for a feast or just be alone. Whatever you decide on doing this September, we hope you enjoy this month’s issue of Enjoy English .
Enjoy Editors
- 新聞直擊(第7頁)
- Unit 1 專題特寫 Tomorrow Never Comes 還在拖拖拉拉嗎?三招解決你的拖延症!(第8頁)
- Unit 1 專題特寫 Tomorrow Never Comes 還在拖拖拉拉嗎?三招解決你的拖延症!(第10頁)
- 翻譯(第12頁)
- Unit 2 人物傳記 Rafael Nadal: Never Quit 永不言棄的拉斐爾.納達爾(第14頁)
- Unit 2 人物傳記 Rafael Nadal: Never Quit 永不言棄的拉斐爾.納達爾(第16頁)
- 看圖作文 A Worm Crisis 蟲蟲危機(第20頁)
- Unit 3 圖解世界 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋月圓人團圓(第22頁)
- Unit 4 好書俱樂部 All the Light We Cannot See 呼喚奇蹟的光(第26頁)
- Unit 4 好書俱樂部 All the Light We Cannot See 呼喚奇蹟的光(第28頁)
- Unit 5 觀光英語 Checking Out of a Hotel 從飯店退房!(第30頁)
- Unit 6 行遍天下 Neuschwanstein Castle: A Fairytale Castle 新天鵝堡:童話故事中的城堡(第32頁)
- Unit 6 行遍天下 Neuschwanstein Castle: A Fairytale Castle 新天鵝堡:童話故事中的城堡(第34頁)
- 生活字彙王(第36頁)
- Unit 7 追根究底 Happy Hobbit Day! 歡慶哈比人節!(第38頁)
- Unit 7 追根究底 Happy Hobbit Day! 歡慶哈比人節!(第40頁)
- Unit 8 克漏字 Cashing in on the Sun 太陽能板化身教師救星!(第42頁)
- Unit 9 美食饗宴 Crazy for Quesadillas! 令人垂涎三尺的墨西哥酥餅(第44頁)
- Unit 9 美食饗宴 Crazy for Quesadillas! 令人垂涎三尺的墨西哥酥餅(第46頁)
- 焦點話題(第48頁)
- Unit 10 商用英語 Learning International Business Etiquette 國際職場禮儀指南(第50頁)
- Unit 10 商用英語 Learning International Business Etiquette 國際職場禮儀指南(第52頁)
- Unit 11 漫遊圖書館 The Wonderful World of Méjanes Library 法國梅冉納圖書館(第54頁)
- Unit 12 綠色生活 Flight Shame and Train Bragging 搭飛機羞羞臉 搭火車好驕傲(第56頁)
- Unit 12 綠色生活 Flight Shame and Train Bragging 搭飛機羞羞臉 搭火車好驕傲(第58頁)
- 發燒話題(第60頁)
- 中文翻譯(第62頁)
- 背誦卡(第69頁)