租期14天 今日租書可閱讀至2025-02-20

The main lead, Dr Carl Young, is a psychiatrist and also the creator of Dreamwalker. A psychiatric patient who tries to jump to his death leads Dr Chrissie Floyd, another psychiatrist, to Carl. Both of them solve many critical cases together with their medical expertise. However, when a patient with a dangerous obsession abducts several children, they are left feeling helpless. How will they get into his mind and outwit him in order to save the children?


Earth Defence Squad
A group of different personalities who pool together their most interesting, alternative and novel ideas to create stories. writing.


Layton Liew
He loves drawing very much, and his mind is always full of strange ideas. To him, comics are magical because they bring to life impossible fantasies and dreams. Layton hopes to continue presenting different concepts in his comics that draw readers into the exciting world of fantasy.
  • Chapter 1 The Anxious President(第8頁)
    • Occupational Knowledge The Psychiatrist(第24頁)
  • Chapter 2 An Unforgettable First Meeting(第26頁)
    • Occupational Knowledge You are Sick, Not Me!(第40頁)
  • Chapter 3 Superman Versus Monster(第42頁)
    • Occupational Knowledge How do I Tell Them Apart?(第54頁)
  • Chapter 4 Superman Makes a Promise(第56頁)
    • Occupational Knowledge A Step-by-Step Process(第72頁)
  • Chapter 5 Into a Nightmare(第74頁)
    • Occupational Knowledge Stop Calling Me Psycho!(第88頁)
  • Chapter 6 A Demon Emerges(第90頁)
    • Occupational Knowledge The Film Industry Goes Crazy!(第102頁)
  • Chapter 7 When Conscience Prevails(第104頁)
    • Occupational Knowledge The ‘Best’ Doctor(第126頁)
紙本書 NT$ 91
NT$ 73

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