Freedom、World、Light、Earth、Truth and Beauty、Eternity、Greatness、Love、Thought
₁The freedom is also in time and space ₂like the ocean and land come from thy side; ₃they are so deep and wide that they are boundless.
₄The flight of the far-spreading wings of my words ₅will never reach thy distance ₆like the roar of lightning.
₁I still do not know exactly ₂where the freedom comes from,
₃but thou hast given the necessary freedom to us ₄so that the feet can walk and wings fly!
Freedom、World、Light、Earth、Truth and Beauty、Eternity、Greatness、Love、Thought
₁The freedom is also in time and space ₂like the ocean and land come from thy side; ₃they are so deep and wide that they are boundless.
₄The flight of the far-spreading wings of my words ₅will never reach thy distance ₆like the roar of lightning.
₁I still do not know exactly ₂where the freedom comes from,
₃but thou hast given the necessary freedom to us ₄so that the feet can walk and wings fly!
- 書封
- 自序:要寫就寫不一樣的:《自由集》雙語創寫
- 目錄
- 接納
- Acceptance
- 陽光
- Sunlight
- 智識之光
- The Light of Knowledge
- 純粹的光芒
- The Pure Light
- 創造的洪流
- The Flood of Creation
- 開放的財富
- The Open Wealth
- 自由
- The Freedom
- 自由的充滿
- The Fullness of Freedom
- 必要的自由
- The Necessary Freedom
- 芬芳財富
- Wealth of Fragrance
- 生命
- Life
- 生命的太陽
- Sun of Life
- 愁緒
- Melancholy
- 離去
- Leaving
- 足跡
- Footprints
- 您的身邊
- Thy Side
- 那一瞬間
- The Moment
- 溫暖的角隅
- A Warm Corner
- 偉大
- Greatness
- 謙卑的偉大
- The Greatness of Humility
- 偉大的盛會
- A Great Grand Meeting
- 迎接
- Greeting
- 我的份兒
- My Part
- 成全
- Completing
- 允許
- Allowing
- 愛的溫暖
- The Warmth of Love
- 廣闊
- Broadness
- 單純
- Simplicity
- 思想
- Thought
- 一念
- One Thought
- 平靜
- Peace
- 目光
- Eyes
- 奮鬥的足跡
- Footprints of Struggle
- 歲月的光輝
- The Brilliance of Years
- 自身的美麗
- Own Beauty
- 不變的慈愛
- Unchanging Love
- 永世之旅
- Journey of Eternity
- 新的力量
- The New Strength
- 記得
- Remembering
- 珍惜
- Cherishing
- 迴響
- Echoes
- 功課
- Lessons
- 安逸
- Ease
- 鐐銬
- Shackle
- 掠奪
- Looting
- 穩靜
- Steady and Quiet
- 痕跡
- Trace
- 似曾相識
- Deja Vu
- 你的心的自由
- The Freedom of Your Heart
- 我生命的小屋
- The Little House of My Life
- 深沉平靜
- Deep Peace
- 離別的時刻
- The Time of Parting
- 隱秘的語言
- A Secret Language
- 版權頁
紙本書 NT$ 180