  • Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management [May 2023, 13(2)]
  • 點閱:8
  • 作者: Editor-in-Chief Chien-Ho Ko
  • 出版社:De Gruyter
  • 出版年:2023.05
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
租期7天 今日租書可閱讀至2024-09-16


Assessment of the Impact of Design Documentation Quality on Construction Project Delivery

Drivers and Barriers of Using Web-Based Asynchronous Communication Tools for Monitoring  Construction Projects

Rail Consignment Path Planning Based on Multimodal Transport: Considering the Time Uncertainty Condition

Optimizing a Time-Sensitive Supply Chain with a Power Function Penalty Cost

Correlation of Construction Workers’Movement and Direct Work Rates

Implementation of Project Management Knowledge Areas by Project Managers

Critical Success Factor Models for Project Success

Developing an Impact Model in Construction Companies During Pandemics

Solving current industrial problems requires cross-disciplinary knowledge and approaches. The Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM-Journal) is an international research journal publishing original research papers. EPPM-Journal is multidisciplinary in nature, considering all topics related to engineering management, project management, and production management. The journal aims to advance the cross-disciplinary sciences in these three fields. This unique platform is intended to inspire new thinking by merging and/or combining different approaches from diverse fields.
All submitted papers are subject to double-bind peer review. The journal publishes two types of papers in both print and online:

Technical Note (within 3000 words)
  • Agbaxode, P. D. K., Saghatforoush, E., and Dlamini, S. (2023). Assessment of the Impact of Design Documentation Quality on Construction Project Delivery. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 81-92.(第81頁)
  • Rasheed, A. S., Adebiyi, R. T., Amuda-Yusuf, G., and Suleiman, S. (2023). Drivers and Barriers of Using Web-Based Asynchronous Communication Tools for Monitoring Construction Projects. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 93-103.(第93頁)
  • Tong, H. (2023). Rail Consignment Path Planning Based on Multimodal Transport: Considering the Time Uncertainty Condition. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 104-112.(第104頁)
  • Yang, J. and Xing, X. (2023). Optimizing a Time-Sensitive Supply Chain with a Power Function Penalty Cost. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 113-124.(第113頁)
  • Wandahl, S., Perez, C. T., Salling, S., and Neve, H. H. (2023). Correlation of Construction Workers’ Movement and Direct Work Rates. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 125-137.(第125頁)
  • Davidov, P., Ainbinder, I., Ayoubi, N., Avivi, B., and Eliyahu, L. (2023). Implementation of Project Management Knowledge Areas by Project Managers. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 138-147.(第138頁)
  • Kumar, V., Pandey, A., and Singh, R. (2023). Critical Success Factor Models for Project Success. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 148-158.(第148頁)
  • Rokooei, S., Alvanchi, A., Shojaei, A., and Ford, G. (2023). Developing an Impact Model in Construction Companies During Pandemics. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 13(2), 159-169.(第159頁)
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