  • New Media as Performance in Site-specific Art
  • 點閱:2
  • 作者: Shih-yun Lu著
  • 出版社:Ainosco Press
  • 出版年:2013
  • ISBN:9789866286636
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
  • 頁數:114

This practical based research explores space, sites and interventions; in particular, site-specific installation of art works, involving the physical, virtual space and interactive theatre space within new media art.


Shih-yun Lu acquired a BA in Industry Art at National Taiwan Academy of Art in 1993. She completed an MA in the Department of la Scenografia at L’ Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera di Milano in Italy in 1998. In 2008 she received her PhD in the School of Design at University of Leeds in UK. She is now teaching in the Department of Digital Content and Technology at National Taichung University of Education.

  • Introduction(第1頁)
    • 1. Aims of Research(第1頁)
    • 2. Research Questions(第3頁)
    • 3. Methodology(第3頁)
    • 4. The Definition of Site-specific(第5頁)
    • 5. New Media Art in Interdisciplinary(第6頁)
    • 6. Site-specificity in Physical Space(第8頁)
    • 7. Site-specificity in Virtual/Cyberspace(第9頁)
    • 8. Site-specificity in Virtual Reality and Interactive Performance(第10頁)
    • 9. Site-specificity in Virtual Reality Interactive Spaces for Dance and Theatre(第11頁)
    • 10. Summary(第11頁)
  • Chapter 1: Phase I -- Physical/Virtual Space in Site-specificity(第13頁)
    • 1. Introduction(第13頁)
    • 2. The Artist’s Practical Works Itinerary and Analysis(第14頁)
    • 3. Projection Art I: ‘Experiment Art in Light, Space and Motion’(第15頁)
    • 4. Projection Art II: Project ‘Emptiness’(第21頁)
    • 5. Video Art(第34頁)
  • Chapter 2: Phase II -- Physical Site in Site-specificity(第43頁)
    • 1. Introduction(第43頁)
    • 2. The Artist’s Practical Works Itinerary and Analysis(第44頁)
    • 3. Summary(第54頁)
  • Chapter 3: Phase III -- Net art in Site-specificity(第57頁)
    • 1. Introduction(第57頁)
    • 2. The Artist’s Practical Works Itinerary and Analysis(第58頁)
    • 3. Summary(第67頁)
  • Chapter 4: Phase IV -- Interactive Performance Space in Site-specificity(第71頁)
    • 1. Introduction(第71頁)
    • 2. The Artist’s Practical Works Itinerary and Analysis(第72頁)
    • 3. Interactive Performance Space:‘Virtual reality Interactive Spaces for Dance and Theatre’(第74頁)
    • 4. 4D Virtual Reality and Interactive Performance:‘4D Virtual Reality and Performance’(第81頁)
  • Chapter 5: Conclusion(第89頁)
    • 1. Summary and Conclusions(第89頁)
    • 2. Five Elements: Space, Time, Media,Practice and Performance(第91頁)
    • 3. Suggestion(第94頁)
  • Bibliography(第95頁)
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