常春藤解析英語雜誌 [第424期] [有聲書]:Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings 你今天Say Hi了嗎?
- 作者: 常春藤解析英語雜誌社編輯
- 出版社:常春藤解析英語雜誌社
- 出版年:2023.11
- 格式:PDF,JPG
November 2023
As the temperatures start to drop this November, why not cozy up with a warm cup of coffee to read Analytical English ? In this month’s issue, “The Coziness of Viennese Coffee Houses” dives into the history and cultural significance of Viennese coffee houses. One significant US holiday that takes place in November is Thanksgiving. To learn about how the turkey became the centerpiece of this feast, be sure to read “Unveiling the Bird behind Thanksgiving.”
If you are looking to add some healthy foods to your diet, “Moroheiya: The Leafy Green Super
Vegetable” is sure to be an excellent article for you. This is the time of year most companies start putting out their Christmas and end-ofyear advertisements. “Is Advertising Necessary for Big Companies?” explains why companies, both big and small, spend so much money on advertising. Finally, for those interested in discovering different ways of greeting around the world, “Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings” will surely interest you. These articles and so much more await you in the November issue of Analytical English .
- 新聞直擊(第7頁)
- Unit 1 好書俱樂部 Merci Suárez Changes Gears 梅西換檔上路(第8頁)
- Unit 1 好書俱樂部 Merci Suárez Changes Gears 梅西換檔上路(第10頁)
- Unit 2 觀光英語 Sending Postcards to Loved Ones 給所愛的人寄張明信片吧(第12頁)
- Unit 3 美食饗宴 Calpis: A Sweet Drink Created by a Happy Accident 美麗的意外:可爾必思(第14頁)
- Unit 3 美食饗宴 Calpis: A Sweet Drink Created by a Happy Accident 美麗的意外:可爾必思(第16頁)
- Unit 4 專題特寫 500 Days Alone: An Incredible Cave Experiment 與世隔絕五百天:驚人的洞穴實驗(第18頁)
- Unit 5 校園英語 A Tip for Getting Good Grades 成為學霸的祕訣(第20頁)
- Unit 5 校園英語 A Tip for Getting Good Grades 成為學霸的祕訣(第22頁)
- 焦點話題(第24頁)
- Unit 6 行遍天下 Patagonia: The Legendary Land of the Giants 巨人的國境:巴塔哥尼亞(第26頁)
- Unit 6 行遍天下 Patagonia: The Legendary Land of the Giants 巨人的國境:巴塔哥尼亞(第28頁)
- Unit 7 克漏字 The Aroma of Scent Marketing 嗅覺行銷:用香氛擄獲你的心(第30頁)
- Unit 8 追根究底 The Plain White Tee 永不退流行的白 T(第32頁)
- Unit 8 追根究底 The Plain White Tee 永不退流行的白 T(第34頁)
- 生活字彙王(第36頁)
- Unit 9 文化之窗 The Crowded Trains of Tokyo 東京擠爆的滿員電車(第38頁)
- Unit 9 文化之窗 The Crowded Trains of Tokyo 東京擠爆的滿員電車(第40頁)
- Unit 10 健康百科 Why Can’t I Get Out of Bed in the Morning? 為什麼我早上都起不來?(第42頁)
- Unit 10 健康百科 Why Can’t I Get Out of Bed in the Morning? 為什麼我早上都起不來?(第44頁)
- 看圖寫作 Rising from the Streets 街頭藝人熬出頭(第46頁)
- Unit 11 全球節慶 Thailand’s Festival of Lights 泰國水燈節(第48頁)
- Unit 11 全球節慶 Thailand’s Festival of Lights 泰國水燈節(第50頁)
- Unit 12 圖解世界 Appliances 家用電器(第54頁)
- 翻譯(第58頁)
- 歌曲園地(第60頁)
- 中文翻譯(第62頁)
- 背誦卡(第69頁)
紙本書 NT$ 220