The Metamorphosis of Tiaxian pei:Local Opera under the Revolution (1949-1956) 天仙配
- 點閱:2
- 作者: Wilt L. Idema著
- 出版社:The Chinese University Press
- 出版年:2014
- ISBN:9789629965938
- EISBN:9789629965938 EPUB
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:360
This volume is the most extensive social and cultural history of twentieth-century Huangmei Opera to date. A regional Chinese theater originating in the Anqing countryside, Huangmei Opera gained popularity with the success of the 1950s play and movie, Tianxian pei 天仙配 (Married to a Heavenly Immortal). Through a case study of this work, the author juxtaposes the complex process of rewriting and revising the play and movie against the rapidly changing cultural and ideological climate of the Communist theater reform movement. As a result, the traditional theme of filial piety becomes a struggle over class and free love. This volume features a full translation of the original play and its revision in the 1950s, as well as selected articles by scriptwriters, directors, performers, and critics. These primary sources allow readers to gain access to inside views of the contemporaries and their political and artistic concerns.
- Preface(第vii頁)
- Acknowledgments(第ix頁)
- I. Introduction : The Legend, the Play, and the Movie(第1頁)
- The Legend of Dong Yong(第2頁)
- Huangmei Opera(第7頁)
- Theater Reform(第9頁)
- The Revision of Married to a Heavenly Immortal(第13頁)
- The Movie(第18頁)
- The Stars(第21頁)
- The Aftermath(第22頁)
- Epilogue(第25頁)
- II. Rewriting the Play(第27頁)
- Adaptation and Rewriting in Traditional Drama(第27頁)
- Traditional Drama in Modern China(第31頁)
- The Chinese Communist Party and Theater Reform(第33頁)
- The First Rewriting of Married to a Heavenly Immortal(第41頁)
- The Second Rewriting of Married to a Heavenly Immortal(第52頁)
- The Movie’s Impact on the Play(第62頁)
- Conclusion(第65頁)
- III. The Old Play(第69頁)
- Dong Yong Sells His Body: Married to a Heavenly Immortal(第71頁)
- Part I. Dong Yong Sells His Body(第81頁)
- Part II. Married to a Heavenly Immortal(第99頁)
- Part III. Saying Goodbye to Dong Yong Scenes from Married to a Heavenly Immortal ( based on the version dictated by Hu Yuting)version dictated by Hu Yuting )(第110頁)
- IV. The Revised Play(第125頁)
- Married to a Heavenly Immortal ( 1955 )(第126頁)
- Preface(第127頁)
- Dramatis Personae(第128頁)
- Scene 1. Visiting Magpie Bridge(第129頁)
- Scene 2. Leaving the Hovel(第138頁)
- Scene 3. Meeting on the Road(第139頁)
- Scene 4. Starting Out on the Job(第152頁)
- Scene 5. Weaving Brocade(第158頁)
- Scene 6. Eating Dates(第168頁)
- Scene 7. Completing the Job(第174頁)
- Scene 8. Separating at the Scholartree(第179頁)
- V. Reflections and Criticisms(第193頁)
- The Rewriting(第193頁)
- The Performance(第205頁)
- The Filming(第250頁)
- Touring the Country(第264頁)
- Notes(第279頁)
- Bibliography(第319頁)
- Index(第335頁)