租期7天 今日租書可閱讀至2024-12-21


The quarterly publication, ‘A+plus’, is published to introduce various excellent and winning works that show architectural creativity through small and medium-sized design competitions with a total floor area of less than 6,000㎡ both at home and abroad.

In the revision of the ‘Enforcement Decree of the Building Service Industry Promotion Act’, it is expected that many excellent small-scale architectural design applications and winning works will be submitted in the future, and we aim to establish ourselves as a small and medium-sized architectural magazine that meets the social needs.

계간 ‘에이플러스(A+plus)’는 국내.외 연면적 6,000㎡ 이하 중.소형 규모의 설계 공모전을 통해 건축적 창의성이 돋보이는 다양한 우수작, 당선작을 소개하기 위해 창간되었다.

‘건축서비스산업 진흥법 시행령’ 개정에 따른 공공건축의 우수한 중.소형 건축 설계 응모안 및 당선작품이 많이 출품될 것으로 기대되는 바, 사회적 수요에 발맞춘 중소형 건축 전문지로 대중과 소통함으로써 건축 현장에도 실용적인 아이디어를 제공할 수 있기를 기대한다.

Neighborhood living 근린생활
On-Nurim Platform 온-누림 플랫폼_1등작
On-Nurim Platform 온-누림 플랫폼_2등작
Haeundae-gu Banyeo Cultural Playground 해운대구 반여 문화놀이터_1등작
Haeundae-gu Banyeo Cultural Playground 해운대구 반여 문화놀이터_2등작
Seokgok-myeon Urban Regeneration Black Pig Center 석곡면 도시재생사업 흑돼지센터_1등작
Judeok-eup Rural Center Revitalization Project 주덕읍 농촌중심지활성화사업_1등작
Pyeongchang Regional Self-Reliance Center 평창지역 자활센터_1등작
Uljin Indoor Gymnasium 울진 실내체육관
Dachaeum Sports center 다채움 체육센터
Vjosa River Visitor Center 비요사 리버 비지터 센터
Fishing Village New-Deal Project 거제시 여차항 어촌뉴딜사업_1등작
Songsan Village Eoulim Center 송산마을 어울림센터
Kyeolchoboeun Smart Food Distribution Center 결초보은 스마트 먹거리 유통센터

Office 업무
Gyeongbuk Viewers Media Center ·Ocheon-eup Administrative Welfare Center 경북 시청자미디어센터·오천읍 행정복지센터_1등작
Gyeongbuk Viewers Media Center ·Ocheon-eup Administrative Welfare Center 경북 시청자미디어센터·오천읍 행정복지센터_2등작
Gyeongbuk Viewers Media Center ·Ocheon-eup Administrative Welfare Center 경북 시청자미디어센터·오천읍 행정복지센터_3등작
Bugok 2-dong Administrative Welfare Center 부곡2동 행정복지센터_1등작
Bomun-myeon Administrative Welfare Center, Yecheon-gun 예천군 보문면 행정복지센터_1등작
Bomun-myeon Administrative Welfare Center, Yecheon-gun 예천군 보문면 행정복지센터_3등작
Jangheung-gun Yeheung Do Dream Center 장흥군 여흥 두드림센터_1등작
Daelim 2-dong Public Complex Building 대림2동 공공복합청사_1등작
Osan Sinjiang 2-dong Administrative Welfare Center 오산 신장2동 행정복지센터
Yeongju Agricultural Machinery Storage Center 영주시 농기계 보관소
Boseong Gangsoo Power Headquarters 보성강 수력 사옥_2등작
Boseong Gangsoo Power Headquarters 보성강 수력 사옥_3등작
Gonam Shell Mound Museum 농수산물도매시장 농산A동 재축사업_1등작

Culture 문화
YS Democratic History Memorial Hall YS민주역사기념관_1등작
YS Democratic History Memorial Hall YS민주역사기념관_3등작
Jumunjin Agricultural Complex Complex Cultural Center 주문진 농공단지 복합문화센터
Hapcheon Meteorite Collision Zone Base Center 합천 운석 충돌구 거점센터
Visitor Center For The Mies Van Der Rohe House 미스 반 데어 로에 하우스 방문자 센터
Pangasinan Barangay Center 팡가시난 바랑가이 센터
Sudong Youth Facility 수동 청소년 시설_1등작

Education & Research 교육연구
Simgok Library 심곡도서관_1등작
Designated Middle School 지정중학교_1등작
Wonju Semiconductor Education Center 원주 반도체 교육센터_1등작
Scientific Farming Demonstration Education Center 과학영농 실증교육관
Jeonnam Viewer Media Center 전남 시청자미디어센터

Housing 주거
Goblin Village in the Forest of Uiryeong 의령 숲속 동화나라 도깨비마을_1등작
Dr. Dharmesh Darji Villa 다르메쉬 다르지 빌라
Alta Tower 알타 타워
Floating Hotel 플로팅 호텔

A+plus is published to introduce various excellent and winning works that show architectural creativity through small and medium-sized design competitions with a total floor area of less than 6,000㎡ both at home and abroad.
In the revision of the ‘Enforcement Decree of the Building Service Industry Promotion Act’, it is expected that many excellent small-scale architectural design applications and winning works will be submitted in the future, and we aim to establish ourselves as a small and medium-sized architectural magazine that meets the social needs.

계간 ‘에이플러스(A+plus)’는 국내.외 연면적 6,000㎡ 이하 중.소형 규모의 설계 공모전을 통해 건축적 창의성이 돋보이는 다양한 우수작, 당선작을 소개하기 위해 창간되었다.
‘건축서비스산업 진흥법 시행령’ 개정에 따른 공공건축의 우수한 중.소형 건축 설계 응모안 및 당선작품이 많이 출품될 것으로 기대되는 바, 사회적 수요에 발맞춘 중소형 건축 전문지로 대중과 소통함으로써 건축 현장에도 실용적인 아이디어를 제공할 수 있기를 기대한다.
  • Neighborhood Living(第4頁)
    • On-Nurim Platform Winner(第6頁)
    • On-Nurim Platform 2nd Prize(第12頁)
    • Haeundae-gu Banyeo Cultural Playground Winner(第20頁)
    • Haeundae-gu Banyeo Cultural Playground 2nd Prize(第26頁)
    • Seokgok-myeon Urban Regeneration Black Pig Center Winner(第32頁)
    • Judeok-eup Rural Center Revitalization Project Winner(第36頁)
    • Pyeongchang Regional Self-Reliance Center Winner(第42頁)
    • Uljin Indoor Gymnasium(第48頁)
    • Dachaeum Sports center(第54頁)
    • Vjosa River Visitor Center(第60頁)
    • Fishing Village New-Deal Project Winner(第68頁)
    • Songsan Village Eoulim Center(第74頁)
    • Kyeolchoboeun Smart Food Distribution Center(第80頁)
  • Office(第86頁)
    • Gyeongbuk Viewers Media Center ‧ Ocheon-eup Administrative Welfare Center Winner(第88頁)
    • Gyeongbuk Viewers Media Center ‧ Ocheon-eup Administrative Welfare Center 2nd Prize(第96頁)
    • Gyeongbuk Viewers Media Center ‧ Ocheon-eup Administrative Welfare Center 3rd prize(第102頁)
    • Bugok 2-dong Administrative Welfare Center Winner(第110頁)
    • Bomun-myeon Administrative Welfare Center, Yecheon-gun Winner(第118頁)
    • Bomun-myeon Administrative Welfare Center, Yecheon-gun 3rd prize(第124頁)
    • Jangheung-gun Yeheung Do Dream Center Winner(第130頁)
    • Daelim 2-dong Public Complex Building Winner(第136頁)
    • Osan Sinjiang 2-dong Administratice Welface Center(第144頁)
    • Yeongju Agricultural Machinery Storage Center(第150頁)
    • Boseong Gangsoo Power Headquarters 2nd Prize(第158頁)
    • Boseong Gangsoo Power Headquarters 3rd Pirze(第164頁)
    • Gonam Shell Mound Museum Winner(第168頁)
  • Cukture(第172頁)
    • YS Democratic History Memorial Hall Winner(第174頁)
    • YS Democratic History Memorial Hall 3rd Pirze(第180頁)
    • Jumunjin Agricultural Complex Complex Cultural Center(第186頁)
    • Hapcheon Meteorite Collision Zone Base Center(第192頁)
    • Visitor Center For The Mies Van Der Rohe House(第198頁)
    • Pangasinan Barangay Center(第204頁)
    • Sudong Youth Facility Winner(第210頁)
  • Education & Research(第216頁)
    • Simgok Library Winner(第216頁)
    • Designated Middle School Winner(第222頁)
    • Wonju Semiconductor Education Center Winner(第226頁)
    • Scientific Farming Demonstration Education Center(第232頁)
    • Jeonnam Viewer Media Center(第238頁)
  • Housing(第242頁)
    • Goblin Village in the Forest of Uiryeong Winner(第242頁)
    • Dr. Dharmesh Darji Villa(第250頁)
    • Alta Tower(第258頁)
    • Floating Hotel(第264頁)
紙本書 NT$ 2555
NT$ 1789

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