常春藤生活英語雜誌 [第258期] [有聲書]:The Leaning Tower of Pisa : From Mistake to Miracle 搶救歪樓大作戰! 斜出特色的比薩斜塔
- 作者: 常春藤生活英語雜誌編輯部編輯
- 出版社:常春藤解析英語有限公司
- 出版年:2024.11
- 格式:PDF,JPG
【編者的話】November 2024
November’s here, and the temperature is nice and cool. It’s the perfect time to go for a hike. Check out “Dive into the Waves of Silvergrass” to learn about a beautiful plant commonly seen on the trails of northern Taiwan this time of year. If you’ve set your travel plans abroad but dislike long flights, “Getting Comfortable on Long-Haul Flights” can give you some essential travel tips. Some great international destinations to consider this month
are Thailand and Italy. Learn about a special Thai festival centered around monkeys in “Monkey Buffet Festival: Time to Go Bananas.” Want to learn how the Leaning Tower of Pisa got its tilt? Read “The Leaning Tower of Pisa: From Mistake to Miracle” to find out all about it. We hope you have fun reading and learning with this exciting issue of Enjoy English .
- 新聞直擊(第7頁)
- 看圖寫作 Are You a Dog Person or a Cat Person? 你是狗派還是貓派?(第8頁)
- Unit 1 好書俱樂部 Leila and the Blue Fox 蕾拉與藍狐(第10頁)
- Unit 1 好書俱樂部 Leila and the Blue Fox 蕾拉與藍狐(第12頁)
- Unit 2 觀光英語 Getting Comfortable on Long-Haul Flights 舒適飛長途小撇步(第14頁)
- Unit 3 追根究底 Legends of the Tooth Fairy 牙仙的魔法(第16頁)
- Unit 3 追根究底 Legends of the Tooth Fairy 牙仙的魔法(第18頁)
- 生活字彙王(第20頁)
- Unit 4 深入臺灣 Dive into the Waves of Silvergrass 芒草季降臨!銀白花海夢幻來襲(第22頁)
- Unit 4 深入臺灣 Dive into the Waves of Silvergrass 芒草季降臨!銀白花海夢幻來襲(第24頁)
- Unit 5 克漏字 The Invisible Cause behind Traffic Jams 幽靈塞車:交通的隱形殺手(第26頁)
- Unit 6 行遍天下 The Leaning Tower of Pisa: From Mistake to Miracle 搶救歪樓大作戰!斜出特色的比薩斜塔(第28頁)
- Unit 6 行遍天下 The Leaning Tower of Pisa: From Mistake to Miracle 搶救歪樓大作戰!斜出特色的比薩斜塔(第30頁)
- Unit 7 英語聊天室 Get the Ideal Dress for the Party 買件漂亮洋裝去開趴(第32頁)
- Unit 7 英語聊天室 Get the Ideal Dress for the Party 買件漂亮洋裝去開趴(第33頁)
- 高中英聽測驗(第36頁)
- Unit 8 專題特寫 Find Your Treasure at Unclaimed Baggage 在「遺失行李物品專賣店」找尋你的寶藏吧(第38頁)
- Unit 9 美食饗宴 Explore the World of Oat Milk and Beyond 引領植物奶風潮的燕麥奶(第40頁)
- Unit 9 美食饗宴 Explore the World of Oat Milk and Beyond 引領植物奶風潮的燕麥奶(第42頁)
- 翻譯(第46頁)
- Unit 10 全球節慶 Monkey Buffet Festival: Time to Go Bananas 泰國猴子自助餐節:讓「蕉」急的猴子大快朵頤(第48頁)
- Unit 10 全球節慶 Monkey Buffet Festival: Time to Go Bananas 泰國猴子自助餐節:讓「蕉」急的猴子大快朵頤(第50頁)
- Unit 11 圖解世界 Thanksgiving Foods 感恩節美食(第52頁)
- Unit 12 健康百科 Slower yet Better: An Introduction to Slow Jogging 超慢跑:慢慢來更有效(第56頁)
- 發燒話題(第58頁)
- 中文翻譯(第60頁)
- 背誦卡(第67頁)