Humanity Magazine 《人生》雜誌創刊於1949年,是台灣第一份本土佛教期刊,是近代高僧東初老人,集合數位佛教青年,於北投法藏寺創辦。這是一份教內通力合作,推動「人生佛教」的一份刊物,也是相當具有歷史意義的一份刊物。 Starting publication in 1949. Humanity was Taiwan’s first Buddhist magazine, founded by Ven. Master Dongchu in Fazun Monastery, Beitou, Taipei. Mainly focuses on applicability in daily life, showing pioneering thinking in the area of Buddhist cultural work.
It is a bellwether publication of deep and lasting influence in Buddhist circles, whereas resources were exiguous in many ways during first several years. Its mission to straighten out the indefinable conceptions between Buddhahood and divinity earns reputations what it deserves.
許多當代著名的法師、居士大德,都曾擔任《人生》雜誌的主編,如東初老人、聖嚴法師、成一法師、星雲法師、心悟法師、性如法師、楊白衣居士等,或先後擔任其主筆,如煮雲法師、南亭長老、白聖長老、竺摩法師,孫清揚、李子寬、謝冰瑩等教界大善知識。因此,《人生》雜誌也可說是佛教界最知名的期刊之一。 From time to time, there are quite some famous venerable masters have involved in editorial work, such as Master Dongchu, Master Shengyen, Master Chenyi, Rev. Singyun, Rev. Xinwu, Rev. Xingru, Mr. Yang, Baiyi. Also, respectful professors were invited as editorialists, for example, Rev. Juyuan, Rev. Nanting, Rev. Bai Sheng, Rev. Jumo, Mr. Suncing, Mr. Lee, Zikuan and Ms. Hsieh, Bingying. Therefore, Humanity has had recognizing as one of best-circulated publications among Buddhist community.
《人生》雜誌目前設於台北市北投區,許多當代知名的學者、作家,經常在雜誌上發表大作,頗受讀者歡迎。《人生》雜誌發行面上,擴及海內外道場、學術、教育、公益、政府、宗教、文化、醫療、交通、圖書館等組織,以及企業單位,影響層面相當深遠。 Fully covers writings of well-known scholars, writers, columnists, Humanity is overwhelmed popular to readers. Keeping up with the times in content, design and binding, it provides a source of forward-looking ideas and points of view.
《人生》結合了理性與感性、學術與修行,跨越各宗教間及世學、非世學的界線,期待以超越的觀念來圓融生命的全貌,讓讀者們在《人生》雜誌中找到人生所有的答案,是一份將佛法落實在生命的雜誌。 With rational and emotional, educational and practical all qualities together, Humanity elucidates academic studies from Buddhism point of view. Bringing different perspective regarding life to people, so readers find answer in it. Definitely a practical magazine in terms of practice Buddism.