

學到運用 8 種練習題型,反覆練習幫你正確掌握片語用法。
學到觀念 片語定義說明,以英文解釋語意或使用情境。
學到用法 學會最生活、最常用,符合現今流行用法的英語例句。
學到精髓 正式或非正式用法、英式英語和美語拼法差別。

本書由英國知名的英文工具書出版社Collins授權出版,一個大量統計的真實語言資料庫,彙集了最常使用的片語,讓你學會最道地的用法,認識老外最常使用的片語字詞。本書適用中級至進階的學習者、歐洲共同語言能力分級架構(CEF)B1+ 程度者,你可以利用此書作為自學課程或普通英語課程之補充教材。




fall down(人)跌倒、摔倒;(東西)倒塌
定義︰If someone or something falls down when they have been in an upright position, they drop to the ground.
keep down趴下、蹲下(以避免被看見或遭受攻擊)
定義︰If you keep down or if you keep your head down, you stay in a lying or low position in order to avoid being seen or attacked.

run out
定義︰If you run out of a room or building, you leave it, running.
例句︰He ran out of the room and down the stairs.他跑出房間到樓下去。
定義︰If a substance runs out from somewhere, it flows from there.
例句︰Water was running out from under the front door of the house.水從屋子前門下方流出來。

< Notes註記 >
stand up 站起來;起立
定義︰If you stand up, you change your position so that you are standing rather than sitting or lying.
例句︰The pupils stand up when the teacher comes into the room.老師進到屋內時,學生們全都站起來。
NOTE 你也可以用 get up。


< Exercises練習題 >

< Your turn! 換您上陣!>
除了練習題,每個單元包含 Your turn! 這個活動,這些是設計來幫你尋找更多該單元片語動詞的例句,或是用片語動詞來討論你自己的想法或經驗。


Jamie Flockhart
Jamie Flockhart is a lexicographer and ELT author based in the UK. He taught English in Europe and Asia for several years before going on to work in dictionary and ELT publishing. He has since worked on a broad variety of English language learning materials, including General English and Business English books, and learner dictionaries. Jamie is co-author of Business Vocabulary in Practice (Collins, 2012).

Cheryl Pelteret
Cheryl Pelteret has been involved in language teaching for the past 30 years – as a teacher, editor and writer. She has taught students of all ages and levels in the UK and in Turkey, and has written several course books and a range of supplementary materials for adults, teenagers and young learners. Cheryl is the author of English for Life: Speaking (Collins, 2012).

  • 如何使用本書(第6頁)
  • 點讀筆使用說明(第10頁)
  • 1 Basic Actions 基本動作(第12頁)
  • 2 Actions with an Object 帶有受詞的動作(第20頁)
  • 3 Movement and Change 移動與改變(第28頁)
  • 4 Communication 溝通(第36頁)
  • 5 Giving Information 提供訊息(第44頁)
  • 6 Planning and Organizing 計畫與組織(第52頁)
  • 7 Discussions 討論(第60頁)
  • 8 Advice or Warnings 建議或警告(第68頁)
  • 9 Thinking and Knowing 思考與了解(第76頁)
  • 10 Feelings 感受(第84頁)
  • 11 Attitudes 態度(第92頁)
  • 12 Relationships 人際關係(第100頁)
  • 13 Socializing and Leisure Time 社交與休閒時間(第108頁)
  • 14 Sport and Fitness 運動與健康(第116頁)
  • 15 Travel and Tourism 觀光旅遊(第124頁)
  • 16 Clothing and Fashion 服飾與時尚(第132頁)
  • 17 Studying and Learning 研究與學習(第140頁)
  • 18 Jobs and Careers 工作與職業(第148頁)
  • 19 Business 商業(第156頁)
  • 20 Money and Spending 金錢與花費(第164頁)
  • 21 Reporting in the Media 媒體報導(第172頁)
  • 22 Political Events 政治事件(第180頁)
  • 23 Crime 犯罪(第188頁)
  • 24 Disaster and Destruction 災難與毀滅(第196頁)
  • 25 Helping and Recovering 協助與復原(第204頁)
  • Appendices 附錄(第212頁)
    • Learning Phrasal Verbs 學習片語動詞(第212頁)
    • Understanding Common Particles 了解常用的介副詞(第215頁)
    • Common Nouns Used with Phrasal Verbs 常用片語動詞的名詞(第221頁)
  • Index 索引(第226頁)
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